1. Keep an eye on your battery life
The module can withstand extreme cold with some major effects on battery life. You are able to use the camera down into -20, even -30°F. However, a single charge will not last you as long as under ordinary conditions.
2. Keep the solar roof clear!
Regularly check on your solar roof and keep it free of any snow or ice build-up. Even the smallest portion being covered starts to disable its ability to charge your feeder. And with the cold sapping your battery's energy, it's more important than ever.
3. Rest easy about the housing unit
The good news for your birds (and you) is that Bird Buddy is built to last. The housing of your Bird Buddy unit is made from ASA, an all-season automotive-grade plastic that can withstand any weather without suffering drastic consequences.
4. Watch out for ice!
If any portion of the feeder freezes, thaw it first before attempting to dislodge it to avoid accidentally cracking or chipping parts of your unit off.
The same goes for the cable: if the USB-C connector happens to freeze onto the camera, do NOT dislodge it in the freezing cold! Bring it indoors and wait for it to thaw before removing.
5. Keep your feeder out during winter
Lastly, unless you plan on not refilling it consistently, do not stop feeding birds in winter. This is a period when birds require a lot of energy just to survive. Non-migratory birds will become dependent on your feeder, and inconsistent refills or missing weeks here and there may seriously hurt their health.