Painted Bunting
Photos taken in the past month: 3,403
Did you know?
The bright plumage of male painted buntings is not the result of pigments, but rather the result of light scattering and reflection caused by the structure of the feathers. This is known as iridescence and is a common feature of many colorful birds.

Rainbow Lorikeet
Photos taken in the past month: 639

Did you know?
Rainbow lorikeets have a specialized tongue that helps them feed on nectar and pollen. Their tongue has a brush-like tip that allows them to extract nectar from flowers with ease. They have a two-chambered stomach, with one chamber for storing food and the other for digesting it. This allows them to break down the tough cellulose fibers found in nectar and pollen.
Rosy-Faced Lovebirds
Photos taken in the past month: 243

Did you know?
These birds are able to survive in the harsh and arid environments of the southwestern United States and northern Mexico by relying on a unique source of water. Instead of searching for water sources like other birds, rosy-faced lovebirds can extract moisture from the fruits and seeds they eat. They are also able to survive without drinking water for long periods of time, which is a remarkable adaptation for a bird species.

European Goldfinch
Photos taken in the past month: 27,690

Did you know?
European goldfinches are known for their melodious and distinctive song, which is a series of high-pitched and tinkling notes. Their song is often described as sounding like "per-twee-twee-twee" or "ti-ti-ti-ti-ti-ti-ti-ti-ti." In some cultures, the European goldfinch is even considered a symbol of good luck and prosperity.
Crimson Rosella
Photos taken in the past month: 336

Did you know?
They are highly intelligent and have been observed using tools in the wild. Researchers have observed crimson rosellas using sticks and other objects to pry open the hard outer shells of nuts and seeds, allowing them to access the nutritious inner contents. In addition to their beauty and intelligence, these birds are also known for their loud and raucous calls, which can often be heard echoing through the forests and woodlands where they live.
Australian King Parrot
Photos taken in the past month: 168

Did you know?
Australian king parrots are known for their playful and curious personalities. They are often attracted to bright colors and shiny objects, and have been observed investigating and even stealing items from human gardens and homes. In addition to their playful behavior, Australian king parrots are also highly intelligent and have been known to mimic human speech and sounds.
Green Jay
Photos taken in the past month: 120

Did you know?
Green jays have an incredible vocal range and are capable of producing over 15 different vocalizations, each with a different meaning. This makes them one of the most vocal bird species in their native Central and South America.