Most Popular: Northern Cardinal
Number of photos in the past month: 808,154

Did you know?
Northern cardinals have a unique set of feathers on their wings that are adapted for producing a distinct whistling sound during flight. These specialized feathers, called "wing whistles," are found in both males and females and are thought to play a role in territorial communication and mate attraction. So the next time you see a northern cardinal fly by, listen closely and you just might hear their unique winged serenade!

Cutest: Long-Tailed Tit
Number of photos in the past month: 867

Did you know?
Long-tailed tits have a unique way of staying warm in cold weather! These small birds huddle together in large groups to share body heat and keep each other warm during the winter months. In fact, sometimes these groups can contain up to 20 birds! This behavior is known as "roosting" and it helps the birds conserve energy and stay cozy during cold nights. So the next time you see a group of long-tailed tits huddled together in a tree, you'll know they're not just hanging out - they're staying warm!
From Down-Under: Sulphur-Crested Cockatoo
Number of photos in the past month: 177

Did you know?
The Sulphur-crested cockatoo is not only a talented talker but also a skilled dancer! These intelligent birds are known for their ability to mimic human speech and songs, but they also have a unique way of expressing themselves through dance. When excited or happy, sulphur-crested cockatoos will often bob their heads, fluff their feathers, and even perform elaborate foot stomping dances. It's a sight to see and a true testament to the playful and expressive nature of these beautiful birds!
Dapperest: Pyrrhuloxia
Number of photos in the past month: 5,291

Did you know?
The pyrrhuloxia, also known as the desert cardinal, has a unique adaptation that helps it survive in arid environments! Unlike its close relative, the northern cardinal, the pyrrhuloxia can survive without drinking water by obtaining all the moisture it needs from its food. The pyrrhuloxia's specialized beak is perfectly suited for cracking open seeds, which make up the bulk of its diet, and also allows it to extract moisture from the pulp of fruits and cactus. This incredible adaptation is just one of the many ways that birds have evolved to thrive in even the most challenging of environments.
Smartest: Rook
Number of photos in the past month: 23
Did you know?
Rooks are highly intelligent birds that use tools to solve problems? In one study, researchers observed rooks using sticks to extract food from a tube - a behavior previously thought to be limited to primates and certain bird species. Not only did the rooks use tools, but they also demonstrated the ability to modify them to better fit the task at hand. These clever birds are a reminder that intelligence and problem-solving skills are not limited to just a few select species!