It’s time for a quick and exciting update. As mentioned in our last post, our shipping pipeline test was stuck for a few weeks due to an administrative issue, so our international outbound shipments were held at our central distribution center in the US. We’re happy to report that this has since been resolved and that all test units were successfully delivered to our team members, both domestically and internationally. A video of our VP of logistics, Dan, opening his Bird Buddy package, as well as a sneak peek at the order tracking page you’ll all be able to follow once your orders are dispatched can be found below. We’re going to make some improvements to this process but the important bits are now working as expected.

With this test complete, we’ve validated all the steps required for us to have a steady flow of product from our factory in China, through our central distribution center, and finally to your doorsteps.
In perhaps even more exciting news, we are starting to scale mass production on Tuesday May 31st, with the first large batch of units leaving China on June 6th.
While these units are in transit, the team will keep working on the firmware as well as the Bird Buddy app so that we are sure to deliver a great experience for everyone from day one. We’ll keep you posted on the status of the shipment as it leaves the factory and provide further details about the delivery schedule as more information becomes available.
We hope you’re as excited about this development as we are, and as always, we can’t thank you enough for your continued patience.