Bird Buddy August Update 1/3

Bird Buddy August Update 1/3

After unsuccessfully estimating project completion and fulfillment in the past, we decided to focus on posting regular updates about ongoing developments and progress instead. That said, we’re now tentatively ready to start talking about a more defined timeline for the first Bird Buddy deliveries.

As of today, we have produced 31044 units altogether, which means that all the units pledged for on Kickstarter have finally been manufactured, along with some Indiegogo ones!

This means all the units needed to fulfill our Kickstarter backers’ orders will arrive at our distribution center in the next 30 to 40 days.

However, there is no way to reliably test the real-world scalability of our systems; before we start fulfilling thousands of orders per day, we will first have a gradual ramp-up period of deliveries in the first half of September to ensure everything is working as expected and resolve any significant issues. After we successfully test our systems with the first few thousand orders, we will be able to confidently determine the speed for the rest of the deliveries.

In the meantime, we continue to work on firmware optimization and other parts of the Bird Buddy experience. We have been further training our AI recognition model, expanding the Bird Profile database in the app, improving reliability and stability, as well as working on polishing other features to make your initial experience as smooth as possible. Now that we have confidence in the roadmap to launch, we’ve started wrapping everything up into the V1 release.

This process will take a few more weeks, but to be on the safe side and ensure we have time to do the final QA (quality assurance) testing, we plan on starting the gradual rollout in the first half of September and then shipping out all the remaining units. The mass-production efforts also continue as planned for our webstore customers, with the weekly output being around 7000 units.

Thank you for your continued patience and support!

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